About Us

We are an edublog or Education Portal helping the aspirants of different competitive Examinations in their preparation for the same. This portal will be extremely helpful for those Students who are preparing for different competitive Examinations without any coaching. We are committed to help the self-learners completely free of cost.
We have adopted the process of learning through test taking and self-correcting the drawbacks of the aspirants. Hence, here we are providing the learners with...

  • Daily Current Affairs of National and International happenings
  • Subject  wise GK and Quizzes
  • Weekly Mock Tests
  • Sufficient information about job vacancies and recruitment related news
  • Interviews or Personality Test related tips
  • Audio-visual learning
  • Mathematical Lessons etc.
So, How often are study materials and mocktests provided by us is a question that may hunt you. And here is our reply...

  • We provide DailyCurrent Affairs related study materials every morning.
  • Subject wise mocktest is given everyday in the evening.
  • A full mocktest is given every Sunday.
  • Job and vacancy related information and news is generally given when a relevant Job notification is released at state or central level.

  • Hence, we cordially welcome the aspirants in our Education portal to brace up their preparation for various competitive examinations.